Sadly, this event has had to be postponed
An Opportunity to Dig!
FRAG is joining forces with the Peakirk Archaeological Survey Team to determine whether and where Car Dyke transits Peakirk village green.
It provides an opportunity for both FRAG members and those living in the village to participate in archaeological excavation.
Excavation Strategy
This is the first session of the first season of archaeological excavations undertaken as a joint venture with Peakirk Archaeological Survey Team (PAST) within Peakirk, and is a continuation of previous archaeological investigations carried out by PAST. The aim of this session is to determine whether the Car Dyke transits the village green as suggested by earlier archaeological excavations and ascertain its alignment. Locations of previous PAST test pits in the village green and relative to the geophysical anomaly assessed as the Car Dyke can be found in Attachments 4 and 5 of the Event Information Sheet.