
Welcome to Peterborough Archaeology

Peterborough Archaeology is where you’ll find out about everything archaeological in the area.

FRAG (Fane Road Archaeology Group) invites you to help explore a Roman villa site in central Peterborough.

We also want to help you discover more about the people who have lived in and around Peterborough over thousands of years.

You’ll be surprised by the wealth of archaeology in the region – and there are regular new insights provided by high profile surveys and excavations.

We provide a schedule of upcoming talks and activities organised both by FRAG and by other local groups. Click on a specific event to find out more details.

We’ll help you get hands on with the past!

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News From FRAG

FRAG Volunteers Please

The FRAG talks programme of talks for the next 6 months is now nearly complete. We have great speakers addressing topics spanning Iron Age, [...]

Making Must Farm

Want to learn more about how some of the Bronze Age artifacts at Must Farm were made? There are some great new videos

New Survey – West of Durobrivae

A geophysical survey is being undertaken during September 2024 to add to the knowledge gained from recent investigations within the walled town of Durobrivae and [...]

The Stoke Doyle Bronze Age Hoard

Visit Oundle Museum to see a Bronze Age hoard discovered locally by a metal detectorist in 2020. The hoard comprises over 40 items and [...]

Must Farm Report & Exhibition

The wait is over! FRAG has been following the excavations at Must Farm for 10 years. We have had a site visit and multiple talks. [...]

Roman Crucifixion at Fenstanton

The Roman crucifixion at Fenstanton hit the headlines last year and is the subject of a FRAG talk on Monday 4th March. The skeleton [...]

A Chance to Dig at Stanwick

A new company is offering the opportunity for amateur archaeologists to learn hands-on skills and contribute to a professionally run archaeological research project. The “Udig” [...]

Artis Facsimile – Xmas Sorted!

In 1823 local antiquarian, Edmund Tyrell Artis, started publication of a series of "plates" illustrating his discoveries of ancient buildings and artefacts.

A14 Online Archaeology Talks

Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) is organising a series of online events which feature the fascinating archaeology of the A14 excavations. 

Archaeology Field School in Wales

The Strata Florida Trust runs an archaeology field school within the precinct of a 12st Century Cistercian Abbey in central Wales. They have asked [...]

Prehistoric Fengate

An excavation being undertaken in advance of construction of new industrial units has revealed a prehistoric ring-ditch alongside Edgerley Drain Road in Fengate. It [...]

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