A couple of years ago FRAG members worked with the Helpston Archaeology Group to undertake initial investigation of an interesting Roman site located behind the old Exeter Arms pub. The pub and land behind it was then sold for residential development and an open area archaeological survey undertaken in 2019 by Independent Archaeology Consultants. The report is now available.
The excavation uncovered a high status 4th century Roman house – which may well have formed part of a larger complex. Parts of the walls, stone floor and the roof material were found. Finds included a variety of pottery (mainly Nene Valley Colour Coated), a fragment of painted wall plaster, two Roman bronze coins and a well-preserved Roman oil lamp
The house would have been contemporary with the second stage villa at Itter Crescent as well as the “Praetorium” at Castor.
Previous Roman sites uncovered in Helpston include a villa excavated in 1974 and a Lime Kiln excavated in 1975. Details can be found in volumes 3 and 4 of the 1970s publicaton, “Durobrivae”.