Imperial Power in the Roman World is a lecture series inspired by the new Nero exhibition at the British Museum and recent thoughts on the nature of imperial power (and its legacy).

The talks began in mid-July, and will run through to the end of September on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are free and can be accessed online via You Tube. Speakers include eminent speakers from around the world.

Tuesday 20 July
Augustus, Nero and Imperial Power
Anthony Smart, York St John University

Thursday 22 July
Augustus Unlimited: Geography and power in the Roman empire
Penelope Goodman, University of Leeds

Tuesday 27 July
(Roman) Peace: What is it good for?
Hannah Cornwell, University of Birmingham

Thursday 29 July
Anger and Imperial Power in Julio-Claudian Rome
Jayne Knight, University of Tasmania

Tuesday 3 August
Suetonius and the Politics of Gossip
Neville Morley, University of Exeter

Thursday 5 August
Emperors, soldier, senators. The military aspect of imperial power
Wolfgang Havener, University of Heidelberg

Tuesday 10 August
Philo and Roman Imperialism
Jane Bellemore, University of Newcastle (Australia)

Thursday 12 August
Agrippina the Younger, Mother of Nero: Fact or Fiction
Mairéad McAuley, University College London

Tuesday 17 August
Imperial Power and the Soldierly body in Latin epic
Hannah-Marie Chidwick, University of Bristol

Thursday 19 August
Empire in Roman Epic
Jackie Murray, University of Kentucky

Tuesday 24 August
Tacitus and the Secret of Imperial Power
Ellen O’Gorman, University of Bristol

Thursday 26 August
Domitian: (Re)building Rome
Eric Moorman, Radboud University

Tuesday 31 August
Rhiannon Evans, La Trobe University (Australia)

Thursday 2 September
Hadrian: Running the Roman Empire: Petition, Response and Policy
David Potter, University of Michigan

Tuesday 7 September
The Severan Dynasty
Alex Imrie, University of Edinburgh

Thursday 9 September
Septimius Severus: Monuments and Imperial Propaganda (Title TBC)
Susann S. Lusnia, University of Tulane

Friday 10 September
Britannia’s Western Frontier: Conquest and co-existence
Caroline Pudney, University of Chester

Tuesday 14 September
Local Responses to Imperial Power
Jinyu Lui, DePauw University

Thursday 16 September
Statues of emperors, and the use of imagery by the provincial elite
Monica Hellström, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford

Tuesday 21 September
Representing power through the past: Constantine and the imitation of Trajan
Alessandro Maranesi, University of Pavia

Thursday 23 September
A Teaspoon of sugar: The buildings of women and soft power in Augustan Rome
Barbara Kellum, Smith College

Tuesday 28 September
Emperors, Imperial Power, and Empire: the Ancient Evidence and the Multiple Modern Interpretations
Stéphane Benoist, University of Lille

Thursday 30 September
Slavery and Empire
Greg Woolf, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)