FRAG members underwent geophys training with Phil Hill and Kev Redgate in Itter Park over the period 17-22 Oct 18. Although planed for 17-18 Oct 18, due to cancellation of the excavation in the Fane Road Allotments the survey was extended over the period 19-22 Oct 18
The main objective was to introduce the principles and practicalities of both resistance and magnetometry surveying. By continuing to use a site adjacent to the Fane Road villa it was also hoped that more clues concerning the periphery of both the Romano-British villa and the preceding Iron Age settlement.
Survey equipment used was the RM85 Resistance Meter, with PA20 Probe Array in a twin-probe configuration, for earth resistance survey and FM265 Single Fluxgate Gradiometer for magnetometry survey (on loan from Jigsaw).
First step was to create the survey grid of 20m x 20m squares – with the help of pythagoras, followed by in-depth perusing of instruction sheets and user manuals.
Everybody had a go and speed of surveying soon increased dramatically. We now eagerly await analysis of the results by Kev. We’ll update this post once we have news!