FRAG members enjoyed a unique opportunity to visit the Must Farm excavation.
Billed as a Bronze Age island settlement at Whittlesey, the reality is actually much more than you could ever anticipate.
Selina Davenport, the Must arm outreach supervisor for the Cambridge Archaeological Unit explained the site as archaeologists continued to retrieve evidence of every day life 3,000 years ago.
Visit Must Farm – Overview of Excavation

Vertical timbers and roof timbers of at least 3 roundhouses

Must Farm – Excavators at work

Viewing platform enables us to look down on the round houses being excavated
Visit Must Farm – Beautifully Preserved Round House Timbers

Wicker remains amongst the woodwork

Sharpened posts as they were originally driven into the river bed
Visit Must Farm – Everyday Objects

Complete pots in situ

Selina points to more pots

Illustration of fabric finds
A big thank you to Selina and the CAU!