Complete and submit this form if you wish to become a FRAG member. You will hear back from us with more details on how to make payment.

We will aim to respond within a couple of days but please forgive us if it takes a little longer.

Personal Details

We will normally maintain contact with you via email.

Are you applying for Single or Joint membership? *

If you are applying for joint membership (ie two members living at the same address) please complete the name of the second person and their contact details, if different to your own.


Membership is renewable in April each year.

Membership fees are: Single £20.00, Joint (two people at one address) £30.00.

Your membership will be activated once payment is received. Please indicate below your intended method of payment.

We will get back to you with further details of how to make payment according to your selection.

A membership card will be available at the next meeting once payment has been received. If you also wish to receive an email confirmation from the treasurer please choose this option below.

Email Receipt Required? *


In submitting this membership application you must confirm the following:

Where you are making an application for Joint Membership please ensure that the other member is also in agreement with these conditions.

I have read and will conform to the constitution of the group.

I will inform the secretary if my personal details change.

I acknowledge that if FRAG organises special activities e.g. field-walking, excavating, visits & walks then additional charges may apply.

I agree that video or photographs of me taken at FRAG events may be used to promote the group in its publicity materials, reports, leaflets and website.

I agree that my personal details may be held on FRAG’s data base(s) so I may be contacted when necessary. Personal data will be used in accordance with the FRAG data protection policy.

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