Recent Geophysical surveys of Roman towns including Durobrivae
Full details to follow
Speaker: Dr Kris Lockyear, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Archaeology, UCL
Much of Kris’ research focuses on the application of computer methods and multivariate statistical techniques, especially Correspondence Analysis, to archaeological problems. He is the author of “Coin hoards of the Roman Republic online” hosted by the American Numismatic Society.
From 2006 onwards Kris has been a tutor on the US National Park Service’s annual course on geophysical survey methods in archaeology.
In 2013 he founded the Community Archaeology Geophysics Group which has undertaken surveys on a wide variety of sites in the SE of England. He now mainly work on sites in and around Hertfordshire.
FREE for FRAG Members
Non-members welcome – £5 cash, payable on the night
(card payment not currently possible)
The Venue for FRAG Talks is:
University Centre Peterborough
Park Crescent
This is NOT the new university building in the centre of the city, but is on a shared campus with Peterborough College and is accessed from Park Crescent.
There is on-site parking available.
The lecture theatre is on the first floor; a lift is available.